Breast cancer trials change lives

For over thirty years, TROG Cancer Research has been leading ground-breaking clinical trials in the hope of improving treatment outcomes for people impacted by cancers, including breast cancer trials.

While the goal is to achieve a cure, breast cancer trials are contributing to a greater understanding of effective treatments for patients today and for generations to come.

Two things make these trials possible – the willingness of those impacted by breast cancer to consider taking part in a cancer clinical trial and the generosity of donors contributing financially to establishing trials.

If you or a loved one has been impacted by a recent breast cancer diagnosis, let’s fight the disease together.

Breast cancer trials, Breast Cancer Radiation Therapy Trials, TROG Cancer Research

Breast cancer trials now recruiting

Our clinical trials on breast cancer generally involve testing new treatments and finding ways to improve current treatments to help improve survival rates and quality of life for people with breast cancer. Using radiation therapy, we’ve uncovered improvements to treatment protocols that have led to significant benefits to breast cancer patients today and in the future.

Be informed of the type of breast cancer clinical trials that are recruiting for participants by viewing the below trials.

ANZ 1601/BIG 16-02/TROG 16.04 – EXPERT

Examining Personalised Radiation Therapy for Low-risk Early Breast Cancer


A phase III randomised trial to assess the role of adjuvant chest wall irradiation in 'intermediate risk' operable breast cancer following mastectomy. SUPREMO (Selective Use of Postoperative Radiotherapy after MastectOmy)

BIG 307/TROG 07.01 – DCIS

A randomised phase III study of radiation doses and fractionation schedules in non-low risk ductal carcinoma in-situ (DCIS) of the breast

MA.20/NCIC CTG/TROG 03.05 – MA.20

A Phase III Study of Regional Radiation Therapy in Early Breast Cancer

PMC 17/013/TROG 17.05 – AZTEC

A randomised phase II trial comparing the efficacy of single fraction or multi-fraction SABR (stereotactic ablative body radiotherapy) with Atezolizumab in patients with advanced Triple-Negative Breast Cancer

TROG 04.01 – Cavilon Breast

A Paired Double Blind Randomised Comparison of Cavilon Durable Barrier Cream (CDBC) to 10% Glycerine (“Sorbolene”) Cream in the Prophylactic Management of Post-Mastectomy Irradiation Skin Care.

TROG 06.02 – APBI

A Multicentre Feasibility Study of Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation Using Three-Dimensional Conformal Radiation Therapy for Early Breast Cancer

TROG 08.06 – STARS

A Randomised comparison of anastrozole commenced before and continuing during adjuvant radiotherapy for breast cancer versus anastrozole and subsequent anti-oestrogen therapy delayed until after radiotherapy.


PET scans for locally advanced breast cancer and diagnostic MRI to determine the extent of operation and radiotherapy

TROG 14.04 – HART

Deep Inhalation Breath Hold for reduction of cardiac toxicity in patients with left sided breast cancer undergoing radiotherapy

TROG 16.02 – LOCAL Her-O

A phase II study of local therapy only (stereotactic radiosurgery and or surgery) for treatment of up to 5 brain metastases from HER2+ breast cancer


A randomised phase II trial comparing the efficacy of single fraction or multi-fraction SABR (Stereotactic ablative body radiotherapy) with AteZolizumab in patients with advanced Triple nEgative breast Cancer

TROG 89.02 – Breast CMF & RT

Simultaneous Adjuvant Radiation and CMF Chemotherapy Following Surgery for Breast Cancer
Breast cancer trials, Breast Cancer Radiation Therapy Trials, TROG Cancer Research
Breast Cancer trials

TROG 03.05 MA.20 trial

The landmark TROG 03.05 MA.20 trial showed that after breast cancer surgery, treatment of both the lymph nodes and the breast with radiation therapy can increase the time women remain cancer-free.

For more than 10 years researchers monitored 1,832 women with breast cancer that had spread to the lymph nodes; 82 per cent of the women who received radiation therapy to the breast and lymph nodes were free of cancer, compared to 77 per cent of women who received radiation therapy to the breast only.

This large international trial showed that lymph node radiation therapy not only reduced the likelihood of cancer coming back in the lymph nodes 10 years later, it also decreased the risk of cancer coming back in the other parts of the body, such as the liver and lungs.

Breast cancer trial success

Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) of the breast is characterised by abnormal cells in the milk ducts which have not spread into the breast tissue.

An international study (BIG 3-07/TROG 07.01) shows that after breast-conserving surgery, higher radiation doses to the part of the breast where the DCIS was found, in addition to radiation therapy of the whole breast, significantly reduced its risk of returning in patients with higher-risk DCIS. Compared to five weeks of whole breast radiation therapy, the study also shows that the shorter, more convenient three weeks of radiation therapy did not increase recurrence.

Today, DCIS affects women all around the world. The results of the study will likely have a significant impact on how patients with DCIS are best managed worldwide.

Donate today to support breast cancer trials – it’s easy!

One in three Australians will be diagnosed with cancer and donations are vital in ensuring TROG Cancer Research continues to produce and support quality clinical cancer research. Our cancer trials save lives and change lives, but we need your help.

All donations of $2.00 and over are fully tax-deductible and you will receive a receipt from TROG Cancer Research. The most convenient way to donate to TROG Cancer Research is to make a secure online donation today.