TROG Scientific Committee

The main aim of the TROG Scientific Committee (TSC) is to ensure that TROG’s mission; to conduct world-class research in radiation medicine that leads the global effort to better control and cure cancer and to help improve outcomes for people affected by cancer is met.

TROG aims to conduct high quality, practice changing clinical trials, the TSC supports this through facilitated discussion and endorsement of clinical trial concepts and proposals submitted by our members via the TROG New Proposals Pathway, oversight of active trials and ensuring publication of trial results.  

The TSC is composed of the members listed below, who are experts in the fields of radiation oncology, medical oncology, interventional oncology, medical physics, clinical research, quality of life research, health economics, statistics, and trial coordination.

  • A/Prof Hien Le

    Scientific Committee Chair

  • A/Prof Sweet Ping Ng

    Scientific Committee Deputy Chair

  • Dr Lachlan McDowell

    Radiation Oncologist

  • A/Prof Peter Gorayski

    Radiation Oncologist

  • Dr Yoo Young (Dominique) Lee

    Radiation Oncologist

  • Prof Joerg Lehmann

    Discipline Representative: Medical Physics

  • Dr James Lynam

    Discipline Representative: Medical Oncology

  • Dr Jonathan Tibballs

    Discipline Representative: Interventional Oncology

  • Mr Chris Brown


  • A/Prof Richard De Abreu Lourenco

    Health Economist

  • A/Prof Brendan Mulhern

    QoL Technical Service

  • Ms Shivani Kumar

    Radiation Therapist

  • Ms Louise Dillon

    Independent Consumer Representative

  • Mrs Renee Swanson

    TROG Research Manager

  • Mrs Alisha Moore

    TROG Radiation Therapy Manager

  • Ms Rebecca Montgomery


TROG and the TSC work closely with our members to ensure that our trials and new proposals address the key priorities in radiation oncology and that we are horizon scanning for emerging technologies and techniques in radiation medicine.

A number of working parties, committees and special interest groups provide guidance to the TSC including:

  • TROG Working Parties (WP): Vital in shaping the research priorities of TROG by identifying gaps in research, developing new research concepts, reviewing the scientific merit of research proposals, and providing expert advice. Our tumour stream Working Parties are comprised of members from many craft groups and disciplines, with a focus on Head, Neck & Skin (HNS); Breast; Central Nervous System (CNS); Genitourinary (GU) and Lung cancers.
  • Secondary Data Analysis Committee (SDAC): Oversees the development of guidelines and procedures for secondary analysis of TROG data.
  • New Technologies and Techniques Committee (NTTC): Ensures that up-to-date guidelines and procedures are available for the implementation of new technologies in TROG clinical trials.
  • Independent Data and Safety Monitoring Committee (IDSMC): Monitors progress of all TROG phase III and late phase II clinical trials in relation to quality processes and procedure and ensures the safety of patients and that wherever possible, each trial meets its primary objectives.
  • TROG Publications Committee (TPC): Provides peer review in the form of independent scientific review of material and timelines, helping to maintain high standards and encouraging accurate, thorough and credible research reporting.
  • TROG Special Interest Groups (SIG): Composed of TROG members who have an interest in clinical trial research involving specific technology or techniques in radiation oncology, current groups include, Particle Therapy SIG, MR in Radiation Therapy SIG and Interventional Oncology SIG.
, Scientific Committee, TROG Cancer Research

The participation of our membership in subspecialty working parties, committees and special interest groups and brings new ideas, partnerships, collaborations, guidelines, and policies that support advancing radiation medicine research to improve outcomes for those affected by cancer.

Contact the TROG team at for further information.